@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000760, author = {佐藤, 一郎 and SATO, Ichiro}, journal = {目白大学経営学研究, Mejiro journal of management}, month = {}, note = {拙稿の主題は、標題にもあるとおり、M&Aと企業統治に関するものである。近年、日本企業をとりまく環境は様変わりしたが、それはひとつには企業構造の変化であり、他面では法制度や会計制度の改変がある。前者は組織構造における所有の事実上の崩壊であるとともに、後者はグローバリゼーションの一環ととらえられる。拙稿では、経営行動にまつわるさまざまの問題と市場ルールがコーポレイト・ガバナンスに及ぼす影響を再検討の対象とする。, The subject of this paper treats the problem area over M&A and the corporate governance as being also in the title. Recently, the environment over the enterprise in Japan changed completely. It is a change in a corporate structure for one thing, and there is a change in a legal and accounting systems in two though some the causes can be enumerated. The former is a virtual collapse of the possession each other structure, and when it is a part of the globalization, the latter can be caught. In this paper, various problems over the management action are referred reexamining, and also about the effect that the rule right market especially causes the corporate governance., 7, KJ00004766425, P}, pages = {47--61}, title = {統治と買収}, volume = {(4)}, year = {2006}, yomi = {サトウ, イチロウ} }