@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000123, author = {川島, 重徳 and 新井, 正一 and KAWASHIMA, Shigenori and ARAI, Masakazu}, issue = {20}, journal = {目白大学総合科学研究, Mejiro Journal of Social and Natural Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, We attempted to capture images inside a forest using a 360° camera, classify said images using AI, and create a landscape map. For classification, the images were cut out in four directions (north, south, east and west). The images were then divided into four classes using AI based on the quality of the visibility inside and outside of the forest. To create the landscape map, a web application was developed and utilized that automatically performs the classification and mapping process by sending the captured images to a server at any time and from anywhere..}, pages = {211--216}, title = {全天球画像と画像分類AIを用いた林内景観マップ作成の試み}, year = {2024} }