@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000116, author = {勝野, 正博 and KATSUNO, Masahiro}, issue = {20}, journal = {目白大学総合科学研究, Mejiro Journal of Social and Natural Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, This paper explores the dilemmas of consent in privacy policies from the perspective of developing media literacy. The fundamental issue underlying the recent controversy over the LINE-Yahoo Japan merger is the lack of communication between platformer and users. An analysis of the current terms of service and privacy policies of platformer shows that while privacy policies have become more readable and privacy tools are also provided, many users still do not fully understand them. Platformer need to make concerted efforts to establish trust by responding to users’ concerns over complex policy changes. Literacy education incorporating the reading of actual policies could help resolve consent dilemmas, improve understanding, and promote effective use of provided privacy tools.}, pages = {143--154}, title = {プライバシーポリシーへの同意におけるジレンマの考察─メディア・リテラシーの育成視点から─}, year = {2024} }