@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000110, author = {渡邉, はるか and 枝元, 香菜子 and 峯村, 恒平 and 藤谷, 哲 and WATANABE, Haruka and EDAMOTO, Kanako and MINEMURA, Kohei and FUJITANI, Satoru}, issue = {20}, journal = {目白大学総合科学研究, Mejiro Journal of Social and Natural Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, This study aimed to develop a scale for measuring educational practice self-efficacy among pre-service teachers in universities, encompassing their educational training, school internships. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,147 university students pursuing a teaching career at the elementary, middle, or high school levels, using both paper and online formats. Through confirmatory factor analysis, four factors were identified. A multi-population analysis demonstrated that this model is applicable not only to conventional educational training, but also to school internships. As a result, a scale with established validity and reliability was successfully developed.}, pages = {63--74}, title = {教職課程履修学生の教育実践効力感尺度の開発に関する研究}, year = {2024} }