@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000053, author = {橋本, 幸成 and 春原, 則子 and 後藤, 多可志 and 内山, 千鶴子 and HASHIMOTO, Kosei and HARUHARA, Noriko and GOTOH, Takashi and UCHIYAMA, Chizuko}, issue = {17}, journal = {目白大学健康科学研究, Mejiro Journal of Health Care Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 《目的》言語聴覚学科4年次の臨床実習の成績と、3年次の臨床実習関連科目の成績およびGPA(Grade Point Average)との関連を調べることで、学内の成績に基づき臨床実習の成績が予測可能か検討することを目的とする。 《方法》対象者は言語聴覚学科4年生26名であった。臨床実習特講Ⅳ(3 年次秋学期開講)の得点、GPA、臨床実習Ⅰ期およびⅡ期の得点の4項目の相関分析を行った。臨床実習の得点は、各期の合計得点に加えて、基礎力と臨床力の2項目に分けて検討した。 《結果》臨床実習特講Ⅳの成績およびGPAと臨床実習の成績との間には有意な相関関係を認めなかった。臨床実習の評価を基礎力と臨床力に分けた場合であっても、同様の結果であった。 《結論》本研究の結果からは、臨床実習の成績を学内の成績から予測することは困難と考えられた。今後は、他の評価指標を加えることや、学生別の分析によって臨床実習に向けて有用となる教育方法を検討することが必要であると思われた。, Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the predictability of 4th-year clinical training performance based on the scores achieved in Rinsho-Jissyu-Tokko Ⅳ (a practical subject for clinical training) during the 3rd year and the students’ grade point average (GPA) through correlation analysis. Methods: Participants were 4th-grade students enrolled in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Therapy. We conducted a correlation analysis among the scores obtained in Rinsho-Jissyu-Tokko Ⅳ, GPA, clinical training performance during the 1st term, and clinical training performance during the 2nd term. With regard to the clinical training performance, we additionally examined the score by dividing it into two categories: basic skills and clinical skills. Results: No significant correlation was found both between Rinsho-Jissyu-Tokko Ⅳ and clinical training, and between GPA and clinical training. Even on examining the divided scores for basic skills and clinical skills, we could not observe any significant correlations between all the possible combinations. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, predicting clinical training performance from the scores obtained in intramural subjects appears to be a challenging task. In the next study, we will analyze the individual student characteristics, potentially yielding valuable insights into improving educational methods for clinical training.}, pages = {77--83}, title = {臨床実習の成績は学内の科目成績から予測可能か}, year = {2024} }