@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001661, author = {今井, 弥生 and IMAI, Yayoi}, issue = {13}, journal = {目白大学健康科学研究, Mejiro Journal of Health Care Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, 《目的》在宅看護における家族支援を検討する上で,在宅療養高齢者と家族介護者の家族機能の特徴とQOL(Quality of life: QOL)の関係性を明らかにする. 《方法》居宅介護支援事業所に登録している在宅療養高齢者とその家族介護者86組の計172人に,基本属性,WHO/QOL-26,家族機能について,無記名の自記式質問紙による調査を行った.家族機能は凝集性,適応性,16タイプに分類した.WHO/QOL-26のQOL総合指標と家族機能における関連性については相関分析を行った. 《結果》家族機能において,在宅療養高齢者は「結合‒構造」,家族介護者は「結合‒柔軟性」の中間レベルでバランスがとれていた.凝集性の特徴として,双方とも「結合」が最も多かったが,在宅療養高齢者は「膠着」で連帯感が強く,家族介護者は「分離」で個々を尊重する傾向にあった.適応性の特徴としては,在宅療養高齢者は「構造」で役割やルールを重視し,家族介護者は「柔軟」で役割なども臨機応変に対応していた.WHO/QOL-26では,在宅療養高齢者,家族介護者ともに社会的関係の得点が高いが,家族機能とQOLの相関をみると,在宅療養高齢者は凝集性とQOLに相関を認めたのに対して,家族介護者は家族機能とQOLに相関がなかった. 《結論》家族機能は,在宅療養高齢者,家族介護者ともにバランスがとれた状態であった.家族機能の特徴として,在宅療養高齢者は,連帯感や家庭内の役割・ルールを大切にし,家族介護者は個々を尊重し,家庭内の役割などは臨機応変に対応している傾向にあった.家族機能とQOLの関係については,在宅療養高齢者にとって,家族の存在や連帯感はQOLの維持向上に影響していたが,家族介護者にとっては家族機能がQOLに影響しておらず,むしろ家族以外の交流がQOLと関連していることが示唆された., Objective: To examine family support in home nursing, clarify the relationship between QOL (Quality of Life) and the characteristics of family functions between home-care elderly and family caregivers. Method: A total of 172 people, including 86 elderly home caregivers and family caregivers registered at home care support establishments, participated in this study. A survey of family functions was conducted using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire, WHO/QOL-26. Correlation analysis was performed on the association between WHO/QOL-26 QOL index and family function. Results: In terms of family function, home-care elderly people were balanced at an intermediate level of “combination-structure” and family caregivers at “combination-flexibility.” Regarding the characteristics of cohesiveness, both had the most “bond,” but the elderly at home were “sticky” and had a strong sense of solidarity, and family caregivers tended to respect each individual by “separation.” As for the characteristics of home-care elderly people, “structure” emphasized roles and rules and family caregivers were “flexible” and responded flexibly to roles. In the WHO/QOL-26, for the home-care elderly people, the scores of social relations are high for both elderly and family caregivers, but when looking at the correlation between family function and QOL, home-care elderly showed a correlation between cohesiveness and QOL, whereas family caregivers found family function. There was no correlation between QOL and QOL. Conclusions: The family function was in a balanced state for both the elderly at home and the family caregiver. As a result, the elderly at home-care respect the sense of solidarity and the roles and rules in the home, and the family caregivers respect the individual and roles tended to correspond to occasional changes. There is a relationship between family function and QOL. Thus, the presence of family members and the sense of solidarity affected the maintenance and improvement of QOL, but for family caregivers, family functions affected QOL. Rather, it is suggested that non-family interaction was related to QOL.}, pages = {67--75}, title = {在宅療養高齢者と家族介護者の家族機能の特徴とQOLの関係}, year = {2020} }