@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000135, author = {福島, 脩美 and 田中, 勝博 and 角山, 富雄 and 張替, 裕子 and 松田, 修 and 森, 美保子 and 豊嶋, 舞子 and Fukushima, Osami and Tanaka, Masahiro and Kakuyama, Tomio and Harigae, Yuko and Matuda, Osamu and Mori, Mihoko and Toyoshima, Maiko}, journal = {目白大学心理学研究, Mejiro journal of psychology}, month = {}, note = {本研究は,若い人々における回想の感情効果について実験的方法によって検討することを目的とした。参加者は80人の学部学生で,3群に分けられ,第1群には過去の出来事を書記した後に対話する条件が,第2群には過去の情景を描画した後に対話する条件が,第3群には最近一週間の出来事を書記した後に対話する条件が与えられた。結果,回想がどの群においても肯定的感情の促進と否定的感情の緩和効果をもたらすこと,条件間を比較すると,書記と対話を組み合わせた第1群において感情への影響が大きく,第3群に比べて肯定的感情の増分と否定的感情の低下が有意であった。この結果から,過去の出来事を書いて回想することが学生に懐かしさを喚起し,感情効果を大きく促進することが考察された。, The purpose of this study was to investigate the affective effects of reminiscence in young peoples. Participants were eighty undergraduate students. They were divided into three groups. In the first group, students were asked to recollect the events in old days and to write the story. In the second group, students were asked to recollect the events in old days and to draw the scene. In the third group, they were asked to remember the events in this week and to write the events. Then every participants were asked to talk about each other between two persons. The results showed that reminiscence increased positive affects and decreased negative affects regardless of conditions. Comparing each conditions, the first group was more effective than the third group in increasing positive affects and in decreasing negative affects significantly. It was considered reminiscence of old days elicited yearning affect, and facilitated affective effects in students., 4, KJ00005094800, P, 原著, Original Article}, pages = {1--10}, title = {過去と最近の出来事の回想におけるツールとしての書記,描画,対話の感情効果}, volume = {(4)}, year = {2008}, yomi = {フクシマ, オサミ and タナカ, マサヒロ and カクヤマ, トミオ and ハリガエ, ユウコ and マツダ, オサム and モリ, ミホコ and トヨシマ, マイコ} }