@article{oai:mejiro.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001309, author = {滝島, 真優 and TAKISHIMA, Mayu}, issue = {14}, journal = {目白大学総合科学研究, Mejiro Journal of Social and Natural Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, Although it is difficult to generalize, it is obvious that siblings of children with disabilities receive psychosocial influences from them. However, the degree of the influence that siblings receive varies from case to case. I’d like to elaborate on how to provide support for the siblings of children with disabilities. For this purpose in this study, I used the QOL scale to find the correlation between the level of QOL and the psychosocial influences. In the researches done until now, the level of these influences have not been quantified. In my study I have tried to quantify them by finding the correlation between them and the QOL scale. In particular, self-confidence and feeling secure in elementary school children, improved maternal instincts in sisters, and friendship in older siblings are areas where support is needed in their school life.}, pages = {81--92}, title = {障害のある同胞を持つ学齢期のきょうだいへの支援 ─KINDL®を活用したQOLの測定結果ときょうだいの心理社会的影響との関連─}, year = {2018} }